about us


i established Heaven Sent in the summer of 2022, as a creative response to a nine-month-long dreadful season of self contempt and depression. i wanted to create a unisex, accessible streetstyle brand for people like me - the misunderstood outcasts with a desire for self-expression and liberation from self-imposed fear. the breakthrough of creating my brand paired with my spirituality is what helped set me free. and through this journey i have realized that Angels are by my side even in the dimmest times, guiding me and rooting for me to keep going.

my brand was created to embrace both the dark and light, which are present in everyone. "Heaven" is ultimately a state of mind. Heaven Sent is for saints, sinners, and everyone in between.

since 2022 i hosted a brand launch party, halloween pop up market, and participated as a vendor at over 25 markets in the greater seattle area.

aside from Heaven Sent, i’ve also started a pop up boutique collection with curated clothing & acessories called Divine Revival, a curated angelcore boutique that offers new and used clothing, shoes and accessories!

i am so full of gratitude for anyone and everyone who has supported me and repped Heaven Sent so far. i am in awe about how far this has come and how my darkest times were alchemized into something so fruitful. i am deeply touched that people resonate with what i’ve created. it’s been an incredible healing journey that i hope will never end. hope to see u soon xx
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